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BOB Tsuki's How Sweet It Is RN CGC TKI FO
DOB: 07/08/2023
Amai is my foundation bitch. She is true to her breed and excels as an all around dog. Confident, loyal, obedient, but also keeps me on my toes and always makes me laugh with her antics. She is a fully trained service dog aiding in mobility and medical alert. She is participating in dock diving, rally, and obedience.

Amai's Sweet Victories

Amai is currently being shown in UKC but we are active in AKC shows with the Southern Indiana Kennel Club

AKC Rally
Amai earned her Rally Novice Title with her last leg scoring her a 97 and 2nd place! She was only 11 months old!

Dock Diving
Quickly getting into the water and learning dock diving as a fun off duty activity
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